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  • Dotphrases are autotext commands you can use to quickly insert text or data.
  • Data can be imported from the chart in the form of "Tokens" or "Smart Templates"
  • I will denote these with { } in this guide. Typing the text between these will not work. You must select the appropriate token
  • If used correctly, they can literally save your life (and maybe your patient's)
  • In the menu bar, find the "Auto Text Copy Utility"
  • Search "Straley, James" on the left hand side
  • Copy the following dotphrases but rename them with your own initials
    • Ex. For Dr. Alex Ball, he could name them any one of the following ways:
    • .abappointment
    • ..abappointment

Shortcut 1.1



- Home regimen: [insert medications, insulin #U & frequency].
- A1c: 
- [Well controlled currently.]
- Holding home meds.
- Currently NPO.
- Plan: [Will start SSI, Moderate Correction factor.]


- With complications: [Microalbuminuria, CKD, ulcers, retinopathy, recurrent infections]
- Current regimen: [insert medications, insulin #U & frequency]
- Most recent A1c: [value & date, controlled/uncontrolled]
- Last ophthalmology/retinal exam: [date]
- Last foot exam/podiatrist appt: [date]
- Currently well controlled on current regimen.
- Plan: [Continue current regimen]

Heart Failure


- History of [HFrEF] w/LVEF [ ] on TTE: [ ].
- Home Regimen: [Current medical therapy].
- Evidence of acute exacerbation with [ ]
- [No obvious inciting incident, mild trop leak with AKI that improved with diuresis suggestive of cardiorenal process].
- No adherence issues suspected, consider gut wall edema with poor absorption to be reason for readmission.
- Admit to medicine service to intermediate care given risk of decompensation in the setting of known heart failure.
- Obtain new TTE to r/o new structural cause.
- [Holding GDMT].
- Lasix 40mg IV qAM, prn qPM depending on UOP. Goal UOP >300cc out @ 2h.
- Monitor I/Os, Obtain daily standing weights.
- Restrict fluid intake to <2L daily.
- Repeat BMP and Mg in the morning.
- CHF powerplan in, will need close f/u with CHF clinic once outpatient.


- NYHA Class [ ] ACC/AHA Stage [ ] [HFrEF] w/LVEF [ ] on TTE: [ ].
- Current Regimen: [Current medical therapy].
- [Continue current regimen].



- [Non-Oliguric] Stage [ ] AKI w/o underlying CKD with baseline creatinine of [ ].
- [Likely 2/2 ATN]
- [Creatinine improved today to]
- [Plan to monitor I/Os. Will repeat labs in the morning for change.]


- [Non-Oliguric] Stage [ ] AKI on CKD Stage [III] with baseline creatinine of [ ].
- [Pt follows w/ ]
- [Plan for ]


- [Non-Oliguric] CKD Stage [ ] with baseline creatinine of [ ].
- Additional co-morbidities: [T2DM/HTN]
- Pt follows w/ [ ].
- Plan to monitor electrolytes closely, renal diet, avoid volume overload.
- Will get Urine Microalbumin/Cr Ratio, Urine Protein/Cr Ratio, Vitamin D, Iron w/Ferritin, PTH, and Phosphorous next visit.



- [Acute/Chronic] [Normocytic/Macrocytic/Microcytic] Anemia w/baseline hemoglobin of [ ].
- No overt signs of bleeding on exam.
- Will workup with LDH, RC, Peripheral Smear.



- Primary Cardiologist: [ ].
- History of CAD as seen on [CT/Cath], [without] previous intervention, currently [asymptomatic.]
- Last imaging/testing: [ ].
- EKG: [No current evidence of ischemia.]
- Currently on: [All should be on statin, RR of death decreased by 24%, stroke by 31%, need for CABG/Angioplasty by 27%; ASA for secondary prevention, increased risk of thromboembolic events if stopped, 70% within 7-10 days]
- Discussed risk factor modification as tolerable (HTN, HLD, Smoking, Diabetes).



Follow-up Appointment in: [3 months for ][ ]
Interval Items: [Outpatient Ultrasound]
Next visit: [CBC/CMP]

*********** End of Note ***********

- First Last Name, MD/DO, IM PGY - 1/2/3 -

**** Attending addenda to follow ****



- COPD not on home oxygen, follows w/Dr. [ ] outpatient.
- Continues to smoke 15 cigarettes/day.
- On Symbicort, Spiriva.
- LDCT will be ordered for January, previously [normal].
- [No] interest in smoking cessation at this time.
- Continue home inhalers.

Discharge Instructions


- 1) You were admitted to the hospital for: Exacerbation of Heart Failure
- 2) What was done during your admission:
- 3) What you need to do:
      - Please follow up with your PCP within 1 week of discharge.
      - Please follow-up with specialists as listed above.
      - Please take your medications as instructed above.
      - Return to the Emergency Room if you experience:
                - New or worsening chest pain
                - Shortness of breath, increased leg swelling
                - Dizziness, seizures, or loss of consciousness
- 4) Why it is important:
      - [ ]
- 5) Additional Instructions
      - Low salt, low cholesterol/fat diet, and restrict fluid intake as directed by your doctor.
      - Gradually increase your activity, as tolerable; schedule rest breaks as needed.
      - Weigh yourself daily on same scale in the morning; bring your weight record to your follow-up appointment.
      - If you gain 2 or more pounds in one day or 5 or more pounds in one week, return to the hospital.


- 1) You were admitted to the hospital for: Heart Attack/Stent Placement.
- 2) What was done during your admission:
- 3) What you need to do:
      - Please follow up with your PCP within 1 week of discharge.
      - Please follow-up with specialists as listed above.
      - Take your aspirin and antiplatelet (Plavix, Brilinta, Effient) every day, without missing any doses.
      - Return to the Emergency Room if you experience:
                - New or worsening chest pain
                - Shortness of breath, increased leg swelling
                - Dizziness, seizures, or loss of consciousness
- 4) Why it is important:
      - Taking your Antiplatelet and Aspirin keep your stent open.
      - If you have any trouble getting your medicine, please call cardiology office.
- 5) Additional Instructions
      - No lifting over 10lbs x 10 days. No driving x 3 days.
      - No tubs baths, swimming pools, or hot tubs x 7 days. OK to shower.
      - If you notice any bleeding from the cath site, hold pressure above the site and call 911.
      - Gradually increase your activity, as tolerable; schedule rest breaks as needed.
      - Weigh yourself daily on same scale in the morning; bring your weight record to your follow-up appointment.
      - If you gain 2 or more pounds in one day or 5 or more pounds in one week, return to the hospital.



- No alarm features present.
- Will evaluate for H Pylori with stool antigen test (must be off PPI prior to testing) given that dyspepsia is predominant symptom.
- Intermittent symptoms: Antacids or H2 blocker
- If persistent symptoms despite lifestyle modifications, will trial PPI.
- Daily symptoms: Omeprazole, Esomeprazole, Pantoprazole 8 week trial, taken 30-60 minutes before meal (dosing: omeprazole 10mg once daily, can increase to 20mg daily in 4-8 weeks; pantoprazole 20mg once daily, can increase to 40mg daily in 4-8 weeks. Advise lowest effective dose)
- Advised lifestyle modifications including avoidance of smoking, drinking, specific triggering foods, weight loss, avoiding NSAIDS, and avoiding lying down for 2-3 hours after eating.



- Patient [has] BP cuff at home, checks BP [daily].
- Compliant with current regimen of: [Amlodipine 10mg daily.]
- Goal BP < [120/80, 130/80, 140/90], currently [uncontrolled/controlled].
- Plan: [ ]
- Pt educated on lowering salt intake, weight loss, and increasing exercise.

INR Clinic


- Indication: [Mechanical Aortic Valve].
- Goal INR: [2.5-3.5].
- INR & Source (venipuncture): [ ].
- Daily dose: [4mg and 6mg on alternating days].
- Total weekly dose: [35mg average per week].
- Next INR: [1 week].
- Plan: [Will decrease to MF 6mg, remaining days 4mg for a total of 32mg weekly. Pt provided extensive education on compliance with INRs w/Jodie prior to appointment today].

Physical Exam


Constitutional: Alert, no acute distress, appears stated age
Eye: Normal conjunctiva, without scleral icterus
HENT: Atraumatic, hearing grossly intact, without nasal discharge, moist oral mucosa, grossly average neck circumference
Resp: Clear to auscultation bilaterally, non-labored respiration on room air, without rales/rhonchi, without wheezing
CV: Normal rate, regular rhythm, without murmurs on auscultation
GI: Soft, non-tender, non-distended, without obvious masses, w/o rigidity or guarding
MSK: Extremities non-tender to palpation, without LE edema bilaterally
Skin: Skin is warm, dry, and pale
Heme/Lymph/Imm: Without obvious bleeding, without significant bruising
Psychiatric: Cooperative, appropriate mood and affect, normal judgement
Neurologic: Awake and oriented X4



- Body Mass Index Measured: [ ] kg/m2.
- Class [III] Obesity w/BMI of [ ].
- Counseled patient on increasing exercise to at least 150 minutes weekly, improving diet with increased vegetables/fruits, and decreasing total calorie by 500-750 kcal/day.
- Pt not currently interested GLP-1s for weight loss, will re-address next visit.
- Would like to be referred to bariatric center for her weight.
- Previously trialed Ozempic but feels she did not lose any weight, made her feel unwell.
- Referral sent.



Constitutional: Denies fever, chills, fatigue
HEENT: Denies trauma, headache, dizziness
Resp: Denies shortness of breath, cough, sputum production, wheezing, labored breathing, dyspnea on exertion, orthopnea
CV: Denies chest pain, palpitations, peripheral edema, syncope
GI: Denies nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation
GU: Denies dysuria, discharge, change in frequency
Endo: Denies polydipsia, polyuria
MSK: Denies back pain, neck pain, joint pain, muscle pain
Integumentary: Denies dryness, itching, rash
Neuro: Denies numbness, tingling, weakness, LOC
Heme: Denies history of excessive bleeding, bruising
Psych: Denies anxiety, problems sleeping



- Suspected to be [Orthostatic] syncope due to [Prodrome], [Clean] EKG, [w/] RF present.
- Low suspicion for PE (if able, PERC rule[ ])
- Orthostatic Vital Signs: [ ]
- CTH: [ ]
- Admit to Telemetry to monitor for arrhythmia.
- Continue conservative measures.

Under Construction

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