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  • Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine (DO)s
    • Yearly educational licensing is required through the WV DO Board unless you obtain your full WV license
    • Full licensure is renewed every two years
      • After your PGY-1 year you are eligible to obtain your full license
      • The only reason to obtain this full license is for the option to moonlight
    • The forms needs to apply for full licensure can be found here
    • Identogo
      • Sign up to have your fingerprints done
    • *Optional: get passport photos done here as well (will need for later step)
    • Call WVDO Board and tell them to access the PDF for this on their end in a few days
    • COMLEX Board Scores
      • Are sent electronically (even though it says by mail on the NBOME website)
      • Call WVDO Board once they have been sent and tell them to search for the PDF on their end


  • Your license will expire. You will need to renew this
    • Make sure to get your 32 CME hours prior to June