
  • Transfers (Accepting team)
    • Like admitting a patient, but slightly less work as the patient has already been on another service, such as the ICU, but not always the case
      • Do not make the type "Transfer Note" you are unable to see this note when you go to search for it
    • Transfer Note (To Med Service)
      • Type: Internal Medicine Progress Note
      • Note Template: Progress/SOAP Note - Brief or Transfer Note
      • Title: "CAMC IM Transfer Note"
    • Update Excel List Online
  • Transfers (Releasing team)
    • If you are on the ICU and you are transferring a patient to the medicine service, contact the medicine service senior or MAO to transfer the patient
    • Other than a standard progress note, no extra note needs to be written if you are the "discharging" team
    • If you are on the medicine service and transferring to the ICU, a short progress note about the patient's decompensation should be written.
      • The ICU team will write an ICU Admission note rather than transfer note because it's special