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Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy


  • Also called Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy (HOCM)
  • HCM is preferred as some patients with HCM have no obstruction
  • Asymmetric hypertrophy of the left ventricle as compared to the rest of the heart and includes notable thickening of the Interventricular septum
    • Disordered myocytes, small vessel disease, replacement scarring, interstitial fibrosis
      • Definition: LV wall thickness ≥15mm at any location in the absence of other potential causes (HTN/VHD)
  • 100% genetic Causes (Autosomal Dominant)
    • Variable expressivity/penetrance
    • Sarcomere Protein Gene Mutation (MC)
      • Defect in energy transfer from mitochondria to sarcomere and or direct dysfunction
        • Reduced SV due to impaired diastolic filling
      • B-myosin heavy chain MC > myosin binding protein C
    • Hypercontraction heart
      • Massive Myocardial hypertrophy w/o dilatation
        • Myofiber disarray
      • Disproportionate thickening of the ventricular septum > left ventricular free wall
        • Most prominent subaortic region
      • Abnormality: Systolic anterior motion of mitral valve, moves toward IV septum


  • May be asymptomatic or patient may have family with heart attack
    • Young athlete with a murmur, signs or symptoms or heart disease
    • MCC of SCD <35 (36%)
  • HF, fatigue, chest pain, palpitations, syncope, asymptomatic
  • Occasional lightheadedness and vague chest discomfort when playing sports or with strenuous activity (Systolic Ejection murmur exacerbated by dehydration/impaired LV filling)


  • Mitral Regurgitation
  • LVOT Obstruction
    • Left sternal border without carotid radiation
    • Harsh systolic Crescendo/decrescendo ejection murmur
      • Worse with dehydration/impaired LV filling
      • Hypertrophy causes a 4th heart sound
      • Progression to HF causes a 3rd heart sound
    • Louder with Valsalva (decreased preload), Softer with squatting/hand grip (increased preload)
    • Carotid pulse with brisk upstroke (bifid in ⅔)


  • Confirmation: Transthoracic Echocardiography
  • ECG: LVH + depolarization/repolarization abnormalities
    • Abnormal in >90%
    • Prominent Q waves
      • Inferior and lateral indicating septal depolarization
    • T-wave inversions
  • TTE: LVH, increased LVOT gradient, SAM of mitral valve
    • Focal septal hypertrophy present
    • LV diastolic function impaired
    • LV cavity size decreased
    • Enlarged LA
  • Exercise testing and family screening


  • Afib
    • 20-25% develop afib
    • Increased stroke risk
    • Need to be treated with warfarin (CHADSVASC is not useful here)
      • Only one studied
  • SCD
    • 1% per year
    • RF for SCD:
      • FH of SCD in 1st degree relative
      • History of Cardiac Arrest (or sustained spontaneous VT)
      • Personal history of syncope suspected to be arrhythmic in nature
      • Non-sustained VT on Holter
      • Failure to augment SBP on ETT (<10 increase at peak exercise)
      • Septal thickness ≥30mm in any segment
      • EF <50%
    • Risk stratification
  • Heart Failure


  • Most have normal life expectancy, no symptoms


  • Should not participate in high-intensity competitive sports regardless of symptoms, LVOT, or prior treatment
  • Symptomatic
    • 1) Non-vasodilating Beta-Blockers, ensure adequate hydration if symptomatic
      • Not Carvedilol, Labetalol
      • Metoprolol should be ok
      • BBs only in patients with symptoms
      • Prolong diastole and decrease contractility, decreasing LVOT
        • Can be used in obstructive and non-obstructive
      • IV phenylephrine if acute hypotension and no fluid response
    • 2) CCBs additionally in pts with persistent symptoms
      • Verapamil, Obstructive only
      • Avoid Amlodipine/ACEI, Diuretics
    • 3) Add Disopyramide
  • ICD placement
    • Wall thickness >30mm
    • HCM + Arrest or sustained VT (Class I recommendation)
    • Syncope
    • Blunted BP or hypotension during exercise
    • RF above you can offer (Class IIa recommendation)
    • Indicated for primary and secondary prevention of SCD in patients with ≥1 major high-risk features
  • Septal reduction therapy (SRT)
    • Septal myectomy or Alcohol septal ablation
    • Peak LV outflow (resting or Valsalva gradient) of ≥50 mmHg and drug refractory HF/Symptoms
    • Surgery if persistent/ascending aorta (septal myectomy if HF III/IV, transcatheter ethanol injection to reduce LVOT symptoms)