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Stress Testing

Stress Testing

  • Update on Stress Testing[^1]

Exercise Treadmill Test

  • [Pooled data][1]
    • Men: Sensitivity of 68% and Specificity of 77% for CAD
    • Women: Sensitivity of 61% and Specificity of 70% for CAD
  • Not interpretable for ischemia if:
    • Old LBBB
    • Unable to reach target HR
    • Baseline ST elevation
    • Digoxin use
  • Duke Treadmill Score = Exercise Time - 5x Maximal ST depressions - 4 x Angina Index
    • ≥5 is low risk
    • 4 to -10 is intermediate risk
    • ≤-11 is high risk
  • Absolute Contraindication to EXERCISE Stress Testing (Use Drugs + Imaging)
    • Inability to exercise adequately due to physical or mental impairment (85% of predicted HR unable to be reached)
  • Note:
    • ST depression <0.5 give 0 for DTS
    • Resting ST-segment depression <1mm increases test sensitivity but decreases specificity with no change in overall accuracy
    • Role less clear in RBBB
  • Exercise Capacity is the highest prognostic impact marker during exercise testing including MPI variables irrespective of CAD severity, Gender, Age

Stress Testing with Imaging

  • Includes:
    • Exercise Nuclear Stress
    • Pharmacologic Nuclear Stress
    • Dobutamine Stress Echo
  • Indications for Stress Testing with Imaging (MPI/Nuclear/SPECT, CMR, or Echo)
    • Indications:
      • Unable to exercise
      • Baseline EKG abnormalities limiting interpretation
        • LBBB, RBBB
      • Indeterminate findings on Exercise Stress Test
  • SPECT (99mTc-Sestamibi/Tetrofosmin)

Pharmacologic Stress Testing

  • Requires Imaging
  • Indications
    • Unable/unwilling to exercise
    • Contraindication to exercise
      • AAA
      • Severe AS
      • HOCM
    • LBBB/Pacemaker
    • Interfering Medications
    • ACS
  • Modes
    • Vasodilator (3.5-4x increase in myocardial blood flow)
      • Kinetics
        • Decrease SBP/DBP, increase HR
      • Medications
        • Dipyridamole
          • SE (50%)
        • Adenosine
          • 10 second half-life
          • 4 minute and 6 minute protocols
          • IV aminophylline reversal possible
          • SE (80%): CP (57%), Dyspnea (15%), Flushing (25%), Headache (35%), 2nd degree AV block in 4%
        • Regadenoson (Lexiscan)
          • EXERRT Trial: safe to combinding low-level exercise for better heart-to-gut/liver ratios
          • IV aminophylline reversal possible
          • SE (86%): Dyspnea (61%), Flushing (39%), Headache (35%), Dizziness (27%), CP (12%)
      • Absolute Contraindications
        • High-grade AV block or SSS <40
        • Active or severe bronchospasm (asthma, active wheezing)
        • Hypotension (stimulate A2A receptors on vascular smooth muscles, magnified from rest)/Hypertension >200/110
        • Caffeine within 12 hours
        • Theophylline within 48 hours
      • Relative Contraindications
        • Seizure disorder
        • Severe AS
        • Mobitz 1 2nd-degree AV block
      • Discontinue for:
        • Bronchospasm
        • SBP <80 mmHg
        • Persistent/symptomatic 2nd/3rd degree AV block
        • CP and ST depression >2mm
    • Dobutamine
      • Kinetics: Increase SBP and HR, Decrease DBP
      • USE: CI to Exercise and Vasodilator Stress Testing
      • SE(75%): Ischemic ST-depression (33%), CP (31%), Palpitations (29%), Significant SVT/VT (8-10%)

Positive Findings

  • ≥ 1mm of horizontal or downsloping ST-segment depression or elevation 8 ms after the J-point during exercise or recovery
  • ≥1mm ST-elevation in a lead without a baseline Q-wave
  • ≥1mm AVR elevation
  • Ventricular Tachycardia
  • more than 1.5-2mm of upsloping ST-segment depression 8 ms after the J-point during exercise or recovery

Findings associated with poor outcomes

  • Poor exercise capacity (<5 METs)
    • Patients achieving ≥10 METs have a 0.1%/year rate of cardiac death and 0.7%/year rate of nonfatal MI
  • Exercise-induced angina during minimal expenditure
  • Inability to achieve 85% age-predicted maximum HR with exercise
    • Calculated as (220 - Age)
  • Fall in SBP below baseline during exercise
  • ST elevation
  • ≥ 2mm ST-depression during minimal expenditure
    • Maximum ST-segment deviation is a strong predictor of both cardiac death and composite cardiac death and nonfatal MI
  • Early onset or prolonged duration of ST depression during testing
    • Rapid recovery is associated with a low rate of positive imaging or findings of CAD on angiography
  • ST depression in multiple leads
  • Ventricular couplets or tachycardia during minimal expenditure or recovery