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Pacemakers (PPM)

  • Used to maintain heart rate
  • Indications
    • Complete AV block unless 2/2 MI or reversible cause
    • Symptomatic Sinus Bradycardia (HR <40 usually)
    • Symptomatic chronotropic incompetence (Inability to achieve 85% of age-predicted maximum HR)
    • Advanced 2nd Degree AV Block (Block of ≥2 consecutive P waves)
    • Mobitz type II 2nd Degree AV Block (Symptomatic or Asymptomatic)
    • Mobitz type I 2nd Degree AV Block (Symptomatic only)
    • Afib w/bradycardia and pauses >5s
  • Consists of a Pulse Generator (battery) and circuitry with 1,2, or 3 leads
    • Single chamber (1 lead) in RA or RV
    • Dual Chamber (2 leads) in RA and RV
    • Biventricular (3 leads) in RA, RV, and Cardiac Vein (to pace LV)
      • AKA cardiac resynchronization devices
  • PG is implanted in infraclavicular region
  • Malfunction or lead movement: High pacemaker lead thresholds

Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator (ICD)

  • Primary or Secondary prevention of SCD from VT/VF
  • Primary Prevention
    • Prior MI and LVEF ≤30%
      • ≥40 days after MI and 3 months post PCI/CABG with an EF ≤30%
    • ICM/NICM w/NYHA Class II or III symptoms and LVEF ≤35% on GDMT
      • Wait for 3 months after initiation of GMDT to assess potential recovery
  • Secondary Prevention
    • Prior VF or unstable VT without reversible cause
      • In patients with a FH of cardiac arrest or sustained, spontaneous VT
      • Survivors of cardiac arrest resulting from VF or VT not explained by a reversible cause
      • Syncope and sustained VT/VF on EP Study
      • Brugada syndrome with syncope or ventricular arrhythmia
      • Inherited Long QT syndrome not responding to β-blockers
    • Prior sustained VT with underlying cardiomyopathy
      • Sustained VT in the presence of structural heart disease
  • Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy if:
    • Primary Prevention
      • FH of SCD
      • Syncope (recurrent and/or associated with exertion)
      • Non-sustained VT on Holter
      • Hypotensive BP response to exercise
      • Extreme LVH (>3cm max septal wall thickness)
    • Secondary
      • Survivors of cardiac arrest
      • Sustained spontaneous ventricular Arrhythmias

Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (CRT)

Implantable Loop Recorder (ILR)

  • Continuous heart rhythm monitoring
  • Use: Very rare events (>30 days apart)

Implantable Cardiovascular Monitor (ICM)

  • Intravascular hemodynamic monitoring
    • Pulmonary Artery Pressure Sensors
      • CHAMPION Trial: decrease hospitalizations in NHYA III